Friday, October 29, 2010


Starting Off WithOUT a Bang!
The Edmonton Eskimos started the regular season very poorly. They were 2-9 after 12 weeks of football. There are many people to look at for the performance of this team.  They need to get rid of the QB Ricky Ray. His time as a QB is over.
The Eskimos want to get a new coaching staff. They made a move getting former general manager of the Saskatchewan Roughriders, Eric Tillman, who had a sexual harassment charge against him last year. Then there is Ricky Ray, the starting QB who is averaging 61.6 % passing from last years 67.9 %, he has thrown seven touchdowns and 12 interceptions. Ray has not performed lately as he has done in the past and its time for the Edmonton Eskimos to find a new leader for this hurting football team. The defence is struggling because they are always on the field because of the offence isn’t doing their job. The defence has made some plays and big hits but the offence should be to blame for the 2-9 record of this football team.
What the team is doing, is nothing. They have made one move to restart the hurting team, but one is just not enough. While they are just sitting there doing nothing, time is going by. They are running out of time to get into the playoffs and they are acting like they just don’t care.
They need to do something if they want to start winning again. The first thing on the list in Ricky Ray, he needs to go. The Eskimos need to get a young somewhat talented QB and let him get experience. The new General Manager, Eric Tillman did well in Saskatchewan and I think he will do well in Edmonton; he is a good General Manager. The defence is pretty good but they could get better, Maurice Lloyd is the best player on the defence. Lloyd makes good plays and hard hits. People may not think that the offence is the problem but then what is?
The Edmonton Eskimos need to do something about this team or they will continue to lose games and they will not make the playoffs.

Synergy Project